
CoordinateSystemManager.create_cs_from_axis_vectors(coordinate_system_name, reference_system_name, x=None, y=None, z=None, coordinates=None, time=None, time_ref=None, lcs_child_in_parent=True)#

Create a coordinate system and add it to the CoordinateSystemManager.

This function uses the LocalCoordinateSystem.from_axis_vectors method of the LocalCoordinateSystem class.



Create a coordinate system from 3 orthogonal vectors:

>>> from weldx import CoordinateSystemManager
>>> x = [2, 2, 0]
>>> y = [-8, 8, 0]
>>> z = [0, 0, 3]
>>> csm = CoordinateSystemManager("root")
>>> csm.create_cs_from_axis_vectors("xyz", "root", x, y, z)

Create a coordinate system from 2 orthogonal vectors and let the third one be determined automatically:

>>> csm.create_cs_from_axis_vectors("xz", "root", x=x, z=z)