
CoordinateSystemManager.create_cs(coordinate_system_name, reference_system_name, orientation=None, coordinates=None, time=None, time_ref=None, lsc_child_in_parent=True)

Create a coordinate system and add it to the coordinate system manager.

This function uses the __init__ method of the LocalCoordinateSystem class.

  • coordinate_system_name (str) – Name of the new coordinate system.

  • reference_system_name (str) – Name of the parent system. This must have been already added.

  • orientation (Union[DataArray, ndarray, List[List], Rotation, None]) – Matrix of 3 orthogonal column vectors which represent the coordinate systems orientation. Keep in mind, that the columns of the corresponding orientation matrix is equal to the normalized orientation vectors. So each orthogonal transformation matrix can also be provided as orientation. Passing a scipy.spatial.transform.Rotation object is also supported.

  • coordinates (Union[DataArray, ndarray, List, None]) – Coordinates of the origin.

  • time (Union[TimedeltaIndex, DatetimeIndex, None]) – Time data for time dependent coordinate systems.

  • time_ref (Optional[Timestamp]) – Reference time for time dependent coordinate systems

  • lsc_child_in_parent (bool) – If set to True, the passed LocalCoordinateSystem instance describes the new system orientation towards is parent. If False, it describes how the parent system is positioned in its new child system.