
CoordinateSystemManager.interp_time(time, time_ref=None, affected_coordinate_systems=None, in_place=False)

Interpolates the coordinate systems in time.

If no list of affected coordinate systems is provided, all systems will be interpolated to the same timeline.

  • time (pandas.DatetimeIndex, pandas.TimedeltaIndex, List[pandas.Timestamp], or LocalCoordinateSystem) – The target time for the interpolation. In addition to the supported time formats, the function also accepts a LocalCoordinateSystem as time source object

  • time_ref (Optional[Timestamp]) – A reference timestamp that can be provided if the time parameter is a pandas.TimedeltaIndex

  • affected_coordinate_systems (str or List[str]) – A single coordinate system name or a list of coordinate system names that should be interpolated in time. Only transformations towards the systems root node are affected.

  • in_place (bool) – If True the interpolation is performed in place, otherwise a new instance is returned. (Default value = False)


Coordinate system manager with interpolated data

Return type
