
Single pass, single wire GMAW weldment.


Schema describing a simple single pass welding application along a linear weld seam with constant groove shape.

The idea of the schema is to define an abstract welding experiment with actual current and voltage measurements attached.

This schema requires the following entries to be present:

  • workpiece

  • TCP

  • welding_current

  • welding_voltage

  • measurements

  • equipment

Other entries are optional as listed in the schema description.

The workpiece is defined by two properties:

  • the base metal type

  • the workpiece geometry defined by the combination of- the groove shape (following ISO 9692-1) - the total seam length

It is assumed that the complete workpiece length is equal to the seam length. Outside the welding groove shape, no information is given regarding the outer shape of the workpiece. Additional information about the workpiece should be stored in the wx_user entries of the appropriate properties. More complex workpiece data can be attached as custom data to the associated coordinate system.

The TCP property is used to describe the path of the welding TCP along the weld seam. For this schema, the TCP information is expected to be a linear movement between two points at a constant weld speed. The TCP reference frame is the workpiece base coordinate system, starting at the beginning of the weld seam. The x-axis coordinates will indicate the start- and end-point of the welding process along the workpiece length. The y- and z-coordinates determine the position of the TCP in relation to the cross-sectional groove plane.

The welding_current and welding_voltage entries refer to signals containing the final measurement data of corresponding dimensions [current] and [voltage]. Additional details of the measurements can be attached via user fields here or in the respective measurement-chain.

The measurements entry contains the full information about all measurements and their associated measurement chains.

The equipment property provides a list of the measurement equipment used.


Schema Definitions

This type is an object with the following properties:


A simple welding application:

TCP: !<>
  time: !<>
    values: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
      data: [0, 29000000000]
      datatype: int64
      shape: [2]
    start: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M0S}
    end: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M29S}
    min: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M0S}
    max: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M29S}
  orientations: !<>
    name: orientations
    dimensions: [c, v]
    dtype: <f8
    data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
      - [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
      - [0.0, -1.0, -1.2246467991473532e-16]
      - [0.0, 1.2246467991473532e-16, -1.0]
      datatype: float64
      shape: [3, 3]
  coordinates: !<>
    name: coordinates
    dimensions: [time, c]
    dtype: <f8
    data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
      - [5.0, 1.2246467991473533e-15, 12.0]
      - [295.0, 1.2246467991473533e-15, 12.0]
      datatype: float64
      shape: [2, 3]
coordinate_systems: !<>
  name: Coordinate system manager 0
  root_system_name: base
  subsystems: []
  - !<>
    name: workpiece
    reference_system: base
    transformation: !<> {}
  - !<>
    name: tcp_wire
    reference_system: workpiece
    transformation: !<>
      time: !<>
        values: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
          data: [0, 29000000000]
          datatype: int64
          shape: [2]
        start: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M0S}
        end: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M29S}
        min: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M0S}
        max: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M29S}
      orientations: !<>
        name: orientations
        dimensions: [c, v]
        dtype: <f8
        data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
          - [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
          - [0.0, -1.0, -1.2246467991473532e-16]
          - [0.0, 1.2246467991473532e-16, -1.0]
          datatype: float64
          shape: [3, 3]
      coordinates: !<>
        name: coordinates
        dimensions: [time, c]
        dtype: <f8
        data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
          - [5.0, 0.0, 2.0]
          - [295.0, 0.0, 2.0]
          datatype: float64
          shape: [2, 3]
  - !<>
    name: tcp_contact
    reference_system: tcp_wire
    transformation: !<>
      coordinates: !<>
        name: coordinates
        dimensions: [c]
        dtype: <f8
        data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
          data: [0.0, 0.0, -10.0]
          datatype: float64
          shape: [3]
  subsystem_names: []
- !<>
  name: HKS P1000-S3
  - &id003 !<>
    name: Current Sensor
    output_signal: &id002 !<>
      signal_type: analog
      unit: V
    error: !<>
      deviation: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: percent, value: 0.1}
  - &id007 !<>
    name: Voltage Sensor
    output_signal: &id001 !<>
      signal_type: analog
      unit: V
    error: !<>
      deviation: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: percent, value: 0.1}
  - &id008 !<>
    name: AD conversion voltage measurement
    input_signal: *id001
    output_signal: &id009 !<>
      signal_type: digital
      unit: ''
    error: !<>
      deviation: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: percent, value: 0.01}
    func: !<>
      expression: a*x + b
        a: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: 1 / volt, value: 3276.8}
        b: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: dimensionless, value: 0.0}
- !<>
  name: Beckhoff ELM3002-0000
  sources: []
  - &id004 !<>
    name: AD conversion current measurement
    input_signal: *id002
    output_signal: &id005 !<>
      signal_type: digital
      unit: ''
    error: !<>
      deviation: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: percent, value: 0.01}
    func: !<>
      expression: a*x + b
        a: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: 1 / volt, value: 3276.8}
        b: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: dimensionless, value: 0.0}
- !<>
  name: welding current measurement
  - &id006 !<>
    name: Welding current
    data: !<>
      attributes: {}
      - !<>
        name: time
        dimensions: [time]
        dtype: <m8[ns]
        data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
          source: 0
          datatype: int64
          byteorder: little
          shape: [10001]
      data: !<>
        name: data
        dimensions: [time]
        dtype: <f8
        unit: ampere
        data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
          source: 1
          datatype: float64
          byteorder: little
          shape: [10001]
  measurement_chain: !<>
    name: welding current measurement chain
    data_source: *id003
    - *id004
    - !<>
      name: Calibration current measurement
      input_signal: *id005
      output_signal: &id012 !<>
        signal_type: digital
        unit: A
        data: *id006
      error: !<>
        deviation: 0.0
      func: !<>
        expression: a*x + b
          a: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: ampere, value: 0.030517578125}
          b: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: ampere, value: 0.0}
        software: &id011 !core/software-1.0.0 {name: Beckhoff TwinCAT ScopeView, version: 3.4.3143}
- !<>
  name: welding voltage measurement
  - &id010 !<>
    name: Welding voltage
    data: !<>
      attributes: {}
      - !<>
        name: time
        dimensions: [time]
        dtype: <m8[ns]
        data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
          source: 2
          datatype: int64
          byteorder: little
          shape: [10001]
      data: !<>
        name: data
        dimensions: [time]
        dtype: <f8
        unit: volt
        data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
          source: 3
          datatype: float64
          byteorder: little
          shape: [10001]
  measurement_chain: !<>
    name: welding voltage measurement chain
    data_source: *id007
    - *id008
    - !<>
      name: Calibration voltage measurement
      input_signal: *id009
      output_signal: &id013 !<>
        signal_type: digital
        unit: V
        data: *id010
      error: !<>
        deviation: 0.0
      func: !<>
        expression: a*x + b
          a: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: volt, value: 0.0030517578125}
          b: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: volt, value: 0.0}
        software: *id011
  shielding_gas: !<>
    use_torch_shielding_gas: true
    torch_shielding_gas: !<>
      - !<>
        gas_chemical_name: argon
        gas_percentage: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: percent, value: 82}
      - !<>
        gas_chemical_name: carbon dioxide
        gas_percentage: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: percent, value: 18}
      common_name: SG
    torch_shielding_gas_flowrate: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: liter / minute, value: 20}
  weld_speed: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: millimeter / second, value: 10}
  welding_process: !<>
    base_process: pulse
    manufacturer: CLOOS
    meta: {modulation: UI}
      base_current: !<>
        unit: ampere
        value: 60.0
      pulse_duration: !<>
        unit: millisecond
        value: 5.0
      pulse_frequency: !<>
        unit: hertz
        value: 100.0
      pulse_voltage: !<>
        unit: volt
        value: 40.0
      wire_feedrate: !<>
        unit: meter / minute
        value: 10.0
    power_source: Quinto
    tag: CLOOS/pulse
    diameter: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: millimeter, value: 1.2}
reference_timestamp: !<> {value: '2020-11-09T12:00:00'}
welding_current: *id012
welding_voltage: *id013
  base_metal: {common_name: S355J2+N, standard: 'DIN EN 10225-2:2011'}
    groove_shape: !<>
      t: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: millimeter, value: 5}
      alpha: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: degree, value: 50}
      b: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: millimeter, value: 1}
      c: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: millimeter, value: 1}
      code_number: ['1.3', '1.5']
    seam_length: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: millimeter, value: 300}
wx_metadata: {welder: A.W. Elder}

Original Schema

%YAML 1.1
$schema: ""
id: ""

title: |
  Single pass, single wire GMAW weldment.
description: |
  Schema describing a simple single pass welding application along a linear weld seam with constant groove shape.

  The idea of the schema is to define an abstract welding experiment with actual current and voltage measurements attached.

  This schema requires the following entries to be present:
  - workpiece
  - TCP
  - welding_current
  - welding_voltage
  - measurements
  - equipment

  Other entries are optional as listed in the schema description.

  The workpiece is defined by two properties:
  - the base metal type
  - the workpiece geometry defined by the combination of
    - the groove shape (following ISO 9692-1)
    - the total seam length

  It is assumed that the complete workpiece length is equal to the seam length.
  Outside the welding groove shape, no information is given regarding the outer shape of the workpiece.
  Additional information about the workpiece should be stored in the `wx_user` entries of the appropriate properties.
  More complex workpiece data can be attached as custom data to the associated coordinate system.

  The TCP property is used to describe the path of the welding TCP along the weld seam.
  For this schema, the TCP information is expected to be a linear movement between two points at a constant weld speed.
  The TCP reference frame is the workpiece base coordinate system, starting at the beginning of the weld seam.
  The x-axis coordinates will indicate the start- and end-point of the welding process along the workpiece length.
  The y- and z-coordinates determine the position of the TCP in relation to the cross-sectional groove plane.

  The welding_current and welding_voltage entries refer to signals containing the final measurement data of corresponding dimensions [current] and [voltage].
  Additional details of the measurements can be attached via user fields here or in the respective measurement-chain.

  The measurements entry contains the full information about all measurements and their associated measurement chains.

  The equipment property provides a list of the measurement equipment used.

type: object
    description: |
      Metadata describing the GMAW process.
    type: object
        $ref: ""
        tag: ""
        description: |
          The constant weld speed of the welding TCP movement.
        tag: ""
        wx_unit: "m/s"
        wx_shape: [1]
        description: |
          Object describing the welding wire used.
        type: object
            description: |
              The diameter of the welding wire.
            tag: ""
            wx_unit: "m"
            wx_shape: [1]
            description: |
              The wire classification according to DIN EN ISO 14341, DIN EN 12072 or similar standards.
              Addition standard details should be stored in the wx_user property.
            type: string
        required: [diameter]
    required: [welding_process, shielding_gas, weld_speed, welding_wire]
    description: |
      The signal representing the welding current measurement.
    tag: ""
    wx_unit: "A"
    description: |
      The signal representing the welding voltage measurement.
    tag: ""
    wx_unit: "V"
    description: |
      Transformation describing the welding TCP movement in relation to the groove coordinates.

      The movement describes a linear motion between two points along the weld seam at constant velocity.
    tag: ""
      time: [2~]
    description: |
      The expanded coordinate system setup describing the welding experiment and associated coordinate systems in detail.
    tag: ""
    description: |
      A list of equipments used for measurements and describing the weld seam.
    type: array
      tag: ""
    description: |
      List of all measurements associated with the experiment.
    type: array
      tag: ""
    description: |
      The workpiece to be welded defined by the base metal and the geometric description of the weld seam.
    type: object
        description: |
          The base metal composition of the workpiece.
        type: object
            description: |
              The common description of the base metal composition or classification as listed in the standard.
            type: string
            description: |
              The standard listing and describing the base metal compositions.
            type: string
        required: [common_name, standard]
        description: |
          Description of the workpiece geometry consisting of the groove shape and the total seam length.
        type: object
            description: |
              Constant groove shape of the weld seam.
              - tag: ""
              - tag: ""
              - tag: ""
              - tag: ""
              - tag: ""
              - tag: ""
              - tag: ""
              - tag: ""
              - tag: ""
              - tag: ""
              - tag: ""
              - tag: ""
            description: |
              Length of the linear weld seam.
            tag: ""
            wx_unit: "m"
        required: [groove_shape, seam_length]
    required: [base_metal, geometry]
    description: |
      An optional timestamp indicating the start of the welding process.
    tag: ""
    description: |
      General metadata container.
    type: object
    description: |
      Metadata container for additional user documentation of the experiment.
    type: object
required: [equipment,workpiece,measurements,welding_current,welding_voltage,TCP]

    - A simple welding application
    - |
      TCP: !<>
        time: !<>
          values: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
            data: [0, 29000000000]
            datatype: int64
            shape: [2]
          start: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M0S}
          end: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M29S}
          min: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M0S}
          max: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M29S}
        orientations: !<>
          name: orientations
          dimensions: [c, v]
          dtype: <f8
          data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
            - [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
            - [0.0, -1.0, -1.2246467991473532e-16]
            - [0.0, 1.2246467991473532e-16, -1.0]
            datatype: float64
            shape: [3, 3]
        coordinates: !<>
          name: coordinates
          dimensions: [time, c]
          dtype: <f8
          data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
            - [5.0, 1.2246467991473533e-15, 12.0]
            - [295.0, 1.2246467991473533e-15, 12.0]
            datatype: float64
            shape: [2, 3]
      coordinate_systems: !<>
        name: Coordinate system manager 0
        root_system_name: base
        subsystems: []
        - !<>
          name: workpiece
          reference_system: base
          transformation: !<> {}
        - !<>
          name: tcp_wire
          reference_system: workpiece
          transformation: !<>
            time: !<>
              values: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
                data: [0, 29000000000]
                datatype: int64
                shape: [2]
              start: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M0S}
              end: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M29S}
              min: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M0S}
              max: !<> {value: P0DT0H0M29S}
            orientations: !<>
              name: orientations
              dimensions: [c, v]
              dtype: <f8
              data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
                - [1.0, 0.0, 0.0]
                - [0.0, -1.0, -1.2246467991473532e-16]
                - [0.0, 1.2246467991473532e-16, -1.0]
                datatype: float64
                shape: [3, 3]
            coordinates: !<>
              name: coordinates
              dimensions: [time, c]
              dtype: <f8
              data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
                - [5.0, 0.0, 2.0]
                - [295.0, 0.0, 2.0]
                datatype: float64
                shape: [2, 3]
        - !<>
          name: tcp_contact
          reference_system: tcp_wire
          transformation: !<>
            coordinates: !<>
              name: coordinates
              dimensions: [c]
              dtype: <f8
              data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
                data: [0.0, 0.0, -10.0]
                datatype: float64
                shape: [3]
        subsystem_names: []
      - !<>
        name: HKS P1000-S3
        - &id003 !<>
          name: Current Sensor
          output_signal: &id002 !<>
            signal_type: analog
            unit: V
          error: !<>
            deviation: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: percent, value: 0.1}
        - &id007 !<>
          name: Voltage Sensor
          output_signal: &id001 !<>
            signal_type: analog
            unit: V
          error: !<>
            deviation: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: percent, value: 0.1}
        - &id008 !<>
          name: AD conversion voltage measurement
          input_signal: *id001
          output_signal: &id009 !<>
            signal_type: digital
            unit: ''
          error: !<>
            deviation: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: percent, value: 0.01}
          func: !<>
            expression: a*x + b
              a: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: 1 / volt, value: 3276.8}
              b: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: dimensionless, value: 0.0}
      - !<>
        name: Beckhoff ELM3002-0000
        sources: []
        - &id004 !<>
          name: AD conversion current measurement
          input_signal: *id002
          output_signal: &id005 !<>
            signal_type: digital
            unit: ''
          error: !<>
            deviation: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: percent, value: 0.01}
          func: !<>
            expression: a*x + b
              a: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: 1 / volt, value: 3276.8}
              b: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: dimensionless, value: 0.0}
      - !<>
        name: welding current measurement
        - &id006 !<>
          name: Welding current
          data: !<>
            attributes: {}
            - !<>
              name: time
              dimensions: [time]
              dtype: <m8[ns]
              data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
                source: 0
                datatype: int64
                byteorder: little
                shape: [10001]
            data: !<>
              name: data
              dimensions: [time]
              dtype: <f8
              unit: ampere
              data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
                source: 1
                datatype: float64
                byteorder: little
                shape: [10001]
        measurement_chain: !<>
          name: welding current measurement chain
          data_source: *id003
          - *id004
          - !<>
            name: Calibration current measurement
            input_signal: *id005
            output_signal: &id012 !<>
              signal_type: digital
              unit: A
              data: *id006
            error: !<>
              deviation: 0.0
            func: !<>
              expression: a*x + b
                a: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: ampere, value: 0.030517578125}
                b: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: ampere, value: 0.0}
              software: &id011 !core/software-1.0.0 {name: Beckhoff TwinCAT ScopeView, version: 3.4.3143}
      - !<>
        name: welding voltage measurement
        - &id010 !<>
          name: Welding voltage
          data: !<>
            attributes: {}
            - !<>
              name: time
              dimensions: [time]
              dtype: <m8[ns]
              data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
                source: 2
                datatype: int64
                byteorder: little
                shape: [10001]
            data: !<>
              name: data
              dimensions: [time]
              dtype: <f8
              unit: volt
              data: !core/ndarray-1.0.0
                source: 3
                datatype: float64
                byteorder: little
                shape: [10001]
        measurement_chain: !<>
          name: welding voltage measurement chain
          data_source: *id007
          - *id008
          - !<>
            name: Calibration voltage measurement
            input_signal: *id009
            output_signal: &id013 !<>
              signal_type: digital
              unit: V
              data: *id010
            error: !<>
              deviation: 0.0
            func: !<>
              expression: a*x + b
                a: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: volt, value: 0.0030517578125}
                b: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: volt, value: 0.0}
              software: *id011
        shielding_gas: !<>
          use_torch_shielding_gas: true
          torch_shielding_gas: !<>
            - !<>
              gas_chemical_name: argon
              gas_percentage: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: percent, value: 82}
            - !<>
              gas_chemical_name: carbon dioxide
              gas_percentage: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: percent, value: 18}
            common_name: SG
          torch_shielding_gas_flowrate: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: liter / minute, value: 20}
        weld_speed: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: millimeter / second, value: 10}
        welding_process: !<>
          base_process: pulse
          manufacturer: CLOOS
          meta: {modulation: UI}
            base_current: !<>
              unit: ampere
              value: 60.0
            pulse_duration: !<>
              unit: millisecond
              value: 5.0
            pulse_frequency: !<>
              unit: hertz
              value: 100.0
            pulse_voltage: !<>
              unit: volt
              value: 40.0
            wire_feedrate: !<>
              unit: meter / minute
              value: 10.0
          power_source: Quinto
          tag: CLOOS/pulse
          diameter: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: millimeter, value: 1.2}
      reference_timestamp: !<> {value: '2020-11-09T12:00:00'}
      welding_current: *id012
      welding_voltage: *id013
        base_metal: {common_name: S355J2+N, standard: 'DIN EN 10225-2:2011'}
          groove_shape: !<>
            t: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: millimeter, value: 5}
            alpha: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: degree, value: 50}
            b: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: millimeter, value: 1}
            c: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: millimeter, value: 1}
            code_number: ['1.3', '1.5']
          seam_length: !unit/quantity-1.1.0 {unit: millimeter, value: 300}
      wx_metadata: {welder: A.W. Elder}